How do I create an International Money Transfer via FastNet Business?
If you do not have the FastNet International Module, you can still create IMT’s from a NZ$ account up to NZ $250,000.
- Click payments on the top menu
- Left-menu, click international money transfer
1. To Obtain a Foreign Exchange Rate Quote
There are three ways to obtain the foreign exchange rate quote:
I. To show the New Zealand Dollar equivalent of a known amount of foreign currency, click the Transfer NZD to radio button then the currency drop box and select the other currency. In the Amount field, type the specific amount of the other currency.
II. To show the foreign currency's equivalent of a known amount of New Zealand Dollars, click the Transfer NZD radio button, type the specific amount of NZD in the Amount field then click the currency dropbox and select the other currency.
III. To show the cost of a transfer to a NZD account without converting to a foreign currency, click the Transfer NZD without conversion to foreign currency radio button, then type the specific amount of New Zealand Dollars in the Amount field.
2. To Enter the Payee's Bank Details
There are three ways to obtain the payee's bank details.
Option 1: If you know the Swift Code of the payee's bank, click the Enter Swift Code radio button, type the code into the field, then click Search and see Step 3.
Option 2: If you know the National Clearing Code or the BSB of the payee's bank, click the 'Enter National Clearing Code' radio button, type the code into the field, then click Search and see Step 3.
Option 3: If you don't know the Swift code, National Clearing Code, or BSB of the payee's bank, click the remaining radio button then:
• Click the Select Country: dropbox and select the country. (If the country is not listed, click More, then click the Country dropbox again to see more countries.)
• In the City field, type the first few letters of the city name, then click Search.
• Click the Please Select dropbox to show the list of city names returned from the search, then select the city.
• Click the Bank dropbox. If more than one bank is listed in the Search Results pane, use the displayed details to help you identify the payee's bank then see Step 3.
Click the payee's bank name hyperlink (scroll down if necessary).
Result: The International Money Transfer page is re-displayed with the payee's bank details shown and the Payee Details pane.
3. To Enter the Payee Details
In the Payee Details pane, type the payee's name, address, and account number, then click the country dropbox and select the country. You must enter information into fields marked with an *asterisk.
4. To Enter Your Payment Details:
I. In the Your Payment Details pane, if the withdrawal account shown is not correct, click the From Account dropbox then select the correct account.
II. In the Particulars field, enter some details that will help to identify this IMT on your statement. You can also enter more details into the Code and Reference fields, if you want.
III. In the Address field, check that a physical address is entered.
a. Note: PO Box or Private Bag addresses cannot be used when processing an International Money Transfer.
IV. Click Save.
a. Result: Your payment details are saved and the International Money Transfer page is re-displayed with a message confirming that the IMT has been successfully saved.
V. At the bottom of the page, click Cancel to return to the Unsent Payments page and authorise the IMT later, or click Authorise to authorise the IMT now.
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