I’ve used the ASB ID app. Why am I being asked to go to branch?
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2023
In most cases the ASB ID app is all you’ll need to confirm your identity or address. But sometimes there are exceptions, and it’s often easier to sort them out face-to-face.
Some of the reasons we might need to see you include:
- We can’t match your face scan to your passport photo.
- Your e-passport isn’t compatible with the app.
- Your e-passport has expired.
- Your mobile doesn't support Near Field Communication (NFC).
- Your New Zealand driver licence has expired.
- There was a problem while scanning your NZ driver licence.
- We were unable to independently confirm the details on your New Zealand driver licence.
- Your address document was not an original PDF.
- We need more details on your address.
- We need other details, such as your tax status or occupation.
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