
Foreign notes

ASB stopped buying and selling foreign notes on 2nd July 2021. The information below provides some alternatives for customers who need foreign cash services.

Changes to Foreign Notes

What does this mean for you?

From 2 July 2021, you will no longer be able to buy and sell foreign notes at ASB, either in branches or online.

ASB offers a range of alternatives and suggestions to help with your travel money needs:

You also have the option to:

  • Purchase foreign notes from a specialist foreign currency exchange provider. ASB has arranged for customers to obtain preferential rates from Travelex. Use the ASB Promotion code of ASBTVX21 at www.travelex.co.nz to buy currency online and pick up from a Travelex Store at the Airport. ASB customers can also buy or sell currency at a preferential rate at any Travelex location when presenting an ASB card.
  • Use a pre-paid foreign currency travel card.


Why are we making this change?

More customers are enjoying the simplicity, convenience and security of ASB Debit and Credit cards when travelling overseas. Alongside this trend, the reduction in international travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic means demand for foreign notes has substantially declined at ASB. With the readily available alternative payment solutions ASB offers, our customers have a range of payment options when travelling.

ASB will discontinue sales and purchase of foreign note services from 2 July 2021.

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the fees for using my Visa debit/Credit card overseas for purchases or withdrawing cash from an overseas ATM?

    When using your Visa Credit or Debit Card in a currency other than New Zealand dollars an Offshore Service Margin of 2.10% of the converted New Zealand dollar amount of the transaction will be charged to your card account.

    An Offshore Service Margin of 1.10% is charged on the converted New Zealand dollar amount of each cash transaction if you use your ASB Fastcash Card.

    Overseas banks’ ATM fees may also apply.

    For more information, please refer to ASB Guide to Fees page.

  • I have an ASB Foreign Currency Account - can I still deposit or withdraw foreign notes to/from it?

    No - you will no longer be able to deposit or withdraw foreign notes through your ASB Foreign Currency Account. However, you will still be able to send and receive international money transfers, convert funds across your accounts, and deposit foreign cheques.

  • Can I still deposit foreign cheques to my ASB account?

    Yes - there is no change to this service, and you can still deposit foreign cheques to your New Zealand Dollar or foreign currency account.

  • How do I pay for meals, hotels, shopping and more while I’m travelling?

    You can use your ASB Fastcash Card, ASB Visa Debit card or ASB Visa Credit card to pay in various ways when you're travelling. Your Fastcash card can be used in ATMs that display the Plus logo and your debit/credit cards can be used anywhere Visa is accepted, or to withdraw cash from an overseas ATM.

  • Where can I get foreign notes?

    If you require cash you can purchase foreign notes from a specialist foreign currency exchange provider or travel agent.

    Alternatively, you can use your ASB Fastcash Card, ASB Visa Debit card or ASB Visa Credit card to withdraw cash from an overseas ATM.

  • I have foreign notes that I want to convert to New Zealand Dollars - where can I do this?

    You can convert foreign notes to New Zealand Dollars at a specialist foreign currency exchange provider. 

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Important information

ASB's lending criteria, terms and fees apply. Fees may change. Refer to asb.co.nz for other fees and charges.

Foreign exchange Foreign notes