
What is a cookie?

Last Updated: 01 Mar 2017

Cookies are short pieces of data, sent to your machine by the ASB's web server. They help us identify you when you are using an ASB service such as FastNet Classic, FastNet Business or Online Share Trading. 

How does FastNet Classic use cookies? 

When you log on to FastNet Classic the site sends your browser a memory based cookie. This cookie exists only in your computer's memory.  When you close your browser the cookie in the memory is destroyed. By using a cookie, you only have to Log In to FastNet Classic at the start of your session. The data in the cookie is then used to validate you for every web page you request. This ensures that only you can look at your data. We do not use cookies for any other reason than to ensure that once you have logged on, you are the only user who can view your data. 

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