What return will I get on my ASB KiwiSaver Scheme savings?
There are a number of funds a member can choose to invest their ASB KiwiSaver Scheme savings in to. Each fund has a different mix of assets and the return on each fund depends on:
the type of assets the fund invests in;
the performance of those assets;
the performance of the underlying investment managers (who manage those assets); and
the performance of investment markets.
In addition, there are other factors that affect the return you receive on your ASB KiwiSaver Scheme savings, including:
the fund or selection of funds you choose;
the investment performance of the funds you choose;
the amount contributed;
the amount of time your savings are invested;
any withdrawals you make;
fees; and
View historical ASB KiwiSaver Scheme Returns to Investors. Returns are a reflection of past performance and are not a guarantee or indication of how a fund will perform in future.
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