ASB partnering with Age Concern New Zealand to help prevent financial abuse
With growing awareness around financial abuse, ASB is inviting New Zealanders to attend 'keeping you and your money safe' seminars to improve knowledge for older Kiwis on avoiding fraud and scams.
"One in twenty people over 65 will experience financial abuse," says ASB acting executive general manager operations, Grant Wilson.
"It can happen to anyone, however some people are at greater risk than others, particularly the elderly or those less technology-savvy who may struggle with what to look out for."
"Helping people to progress their understanding and avoid being caught out is something we value and see as part of our role at ASB, because our customer's security is of the utmost importance to us."
The bank is partnering with Age Concern New Zealand to deliver the seminars which will focus on recognising and preventing financial abuse, scamming and online safety for older people.
"By investing now in solutions to support an ageing society, this will benefit New Zealand's future social and economic prosperity," Wilson says.
The series will kick off at a launch event in Auckland on Tuesday 2 October with eleven other seminars held at local Age Concerns across the country throughout October.
Age Concern New Zealand chief executive, Stephanie Clare says it is important companies play their part in educating New Zealanders on the issues, and ASB's dedication to helping prevent financial abuse is encouraging.
"We want people to have information that is easy to understand and practical. The best way to combat financial abusers, scammers and those trying to defraud us is to know what to do or who to turn to," Clare says.
Financial abuse is a growing concern worldwide and Wilson says New Zealand is no exception.
"Financial abuse usually involves a number of actions over time, rather than a single event. For example it could be using someone's money or cards without their knowledge or consent, or it could be misleading someone about documents they are signing, including blank withdrawal forms," Wilson says.
Other examples include pressuring someone into giving them access to their account, or attempting to change or manage their finances without permission or authority.
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