ASB Good as Gold: Tauranga's Elaine and Ron Ward
05 October 2016 / Published in Your CommunityASB Good as Gold is an ASB initiative recognising, rewarding and helping wonderful people in our community. We ask the public to nominate people who are making a real difference in their community, have grabbed hold of life against the odds or who really deserve help in a time of hardship. The recipients are featured on TV One’s Seven Sharp programme.
Tauranga’s Elaine and Ron Ward are a couple in their 80s who both work tirelessly in the community and refuse to slow down. Delivering hot meals to elderly or disabled people is a hugely important service that helps retain independence for many; Ron has been involved with the Red Cross Meals on Wheels for 20 years, and as the volunteer co-ordinator since 2007. Elaine has also been a Meals on Wheels driver but now volunteers in two different op shops in the Tauranga region and is well known locally for giving back to others. The couple were nominated by Sue Hall as recognition of the huge contribution they both provide to those in need in their community.
And they don't stop there. Ron is also an avid knitter, initially starting with knitting for the troops away at war, then moving to knitting blankets for Ukraine orphanages and now he supplies the Tauranga Hospital Neo Natal unit with hand knitted clothing for premature babies.
A wonderful couple in so many ways, Elaine and Ron have recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, and Ron proudly says they have the “perfect marriage.”
As rail enthusiasts, their ASB Good as Gold prize is two Freedom passes on the KiwiRail New Zealand Scenic Rail journeys, all flights and accommodation associated with taking the trip and $5,000 spending money. Enjoy your trip Elaine and Ron!
Do you know someone in your community who deserves recognition? Nominate them for ASB Good as Gold here.