ASB Good As Gold: Cystic Sisters
27 October 2016 / Published in Your CommunityASB Good as Gold is an ASB initiative recognising, rewarding and helping wonderful people in our community.
Tauranga sisters Kristie Purton (33) and Nikki Reynolds-Wilson (25) are on a mission to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis by doing random acts of kindness for others in the community.
Both were born with Cystic Fibrosis, a hereditary condition that clogs lungs with thick sticky mucus, meaning they have limited lung capacity and a reduced expected lifespan. Originally the sisters were not expected to live past 18, however both have passed this milestone, and are leading active lives with their families and children.
Rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of their condition, the pair have started ‘65 days of good deeds’ for others in the community, and celebrating each moment of their life with their kids. They deliver home baking to emergency teams, distribute donated clothing and toys to others in need, pay for car parking and perform other random acts of kindness while raising the awareness of Cystic Fibrosis.
Recently Nikki has undergone a double lung transplant which is expected to extend her life span by eight to ten years. She is recovering well and looking forward to being able to be more active with her four year old daughter Skyla.
Both Kristie and Nikki have been chosen as finalists for the Spirit of Attitude category in this year's Attitude Awards.
To recognise the generosity and selflessness of the sisters, we gave them $5,000 each to spend on whatever they choose, as a little kindness coming back to them for all their good deeds.
You can follow the Cystic Sisters on their Facebook Page here.