Announcing Venturers, the business innovation community
20 September 2016 / Published in News & StoriesBy David Bell, General Manager ASB Business Ventures
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained” it is often said, and no-one knows this better than New Zealand business owners.
Kiwis are famous for embracing innovation and challenging the norm to create a better way of doing things. Every day we meet business owners across New Zealand doing just this, and we are humbled by their passion and effort that goes into striving for success. While the individual goals of these owners are strikingly different, they create a rich culture of ideas and methods of business practice. Small business is the backbone of this country and where a significant amount of the growth and opportunity for our nation is born. However, the global business world is facing digital disruption at a scale and pace which is breathtaking.
And banking is no different. Our CEO Barbara Chapman has said that we are undergoing one of the most fundamental periods of change in history. Technology is challenging us to think differently, to reach deep into our culture of being brave and to work together to ensure the on-going success of business in New Zealand.
At ASB, we are in the fortunate position to be able to bring a few things together that can help. We have a passion for business success, we have a community of customers that are ambitious, we have the resources to facilitate vibrant discussion and the capacity to experiment with and build potential solutions.
Today, we’re launching Venturers with ASB. It is a business innovation community of ASB customers who will thrive on the chance to collaborate with us and like-minded peers, to make that difference. Our vision is to give New Zealand business owners back one valuable hour a day, that is thirty-two business days a year through business optimisation.
We are asking Venturers to join us to critique ideas, test new capability before it comes to market and ultimately help our hard working business owners be more successful. You will be able to expose your business to innovation principles, become part of a founding innovation community and leverage the capability you help create in your own business.
Interested? Find out more here.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.