Without the right data, it can be hard to really understand your market and the business opportunities you have. As a small business owner, it might seem like getting this data takes resources and time that you just don’t have.
That’s where our partner Figure.NZ steps in. Figure.NZ has recently launched Business Figures – a dedicated search tool, designed to help businesses get the data they need to make better decisions. Business Figures is free to use, making it accessible to everyone.
We’ve created some examples of business owners and created case studies around them; we’ll be sharing them over the coming weeks. Take a look at Rose’s story – she’s a small business owner living in Nelson who uses Business Figures to get data to help her understand her customers and opportunities.
To see the data behind Rose’s example, visit Business Figures. With information like this at your fingertips, see what you can discover to help you achieve your business ambitions.